12 Minutes for Moniuszko: A Night of World Premieres
Competition finals
The idea behind the international composing competition is to revive Moniuszko's aesthetic model of opera: a music drama exploring social issues.
Six of the entries were shortlisted and will be staged before an audience on 18 December 2019 at the Młynarski Hall of the Teatr Wielki, Warsaw, following which the winner will be selected.
The winner of first prize will receive 40,000 Polish zloty. The remaining finalists will be awarded 20,000 Polish zloty, while the winner of the Audience Award will receive 10,000.
Time is measured by
2019-12-18 | 19:00
Partner strategiczny Roku Moniuszki 2019
Partner Międzynarodowego Konkursu Kompozytorskiego im. Stanisława Moniuszki
Partnerzy Akademii Operowej
Partnerzy Teatru Wielkiego - Opery Narodowej
Patroni medialni
Strategic partner of the Year of Moniuszko 2019
Partner if the International Stanisław Moniuszko Composing Competition
Partners of the Opera Academy
Partners of Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera
Media patrons