La Folle Journée de Varsovie: Mr and Mrs Mahler (14)
Orchestral concert
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Alma Mahler Five Songs (Fünf Lieder, arr. Agata Zubel) [13’]
The silent town (Die stille Stadt)
In my father’s garden (In meines Vaters Garten)
Mild summer night (Laue Sommernacht)
I feel warm and close with you (Bei dir ist es traut)
I wander among flowers (Ich wandle unter Blumen)
Alma Mahler Four Songs (Vier Lieder, arr. Agata Zubel) [11’]
A nocturnal light (Licht in der Nacht)
Woodland rapture (Waldseligkeit)
Storm (Ansturm)
Harvest song (Erntelied)
Gustav Mahler Songs of a Wayfarer (Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, arr. Ernst Kovacic) [17’]
When my love has her wedding-day (Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht)
I walked across the fields this morning (Ging heut’ Morgen über’s Feld)
I’ve a gleaming knife (Ich hab’ ein glühend Messer)
The two blue eyes of my love (Die zwei blauen Augen von meinem Schatz)
Gustav Mahler Songs after Rückert (Rückert-Lieder, arr. Ernst Kovacic) [20’]
If you love for beauty (Liebst du um Schönheit)
I breathed a gentle fragrance (Ich atmet’ einen linden Duft)
I am lost to the world (Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen)
Do not look into my songs! (Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder!) At midnight (Um Mitternacht)
Agata Zubel soprano
NFM Leopoldinum Chamber Orchestra
Ernst Kovacic conductor
The revolutionary concept of La Folle Journée consists in a dizzying number of short concerts in the span of a few days with an appealing repertoire and affordable ticket prices. All of that attracts large crowds of new listeners to the concert halls in a spectacular fashion. Every year, thousands of people gather in Teatr Wielki - The Polish Opera on the last weekend of September to listen to concerts of their choice from dozens of available events.The festival has gained the reputation of the biggest classical music feast in Poland. Many regular and occasional concertgoers spend the whole year waiting for it.
It is the only festival in the country that combines symphonic and chamber concerts performed by the brightest stars of classical music with a broad educational repertoire that gathers together the most gifted young musicians from across Poland. Every year, around 1000 artists perform during the festival and are listened to by nearly 40 000 audience members.
Festiwal Szalone Dni Muzyki 2022 dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego. Zrealizowano we współpracy z Narodowym Centrum Kultury
Partnerzy Akademii Operowej
La Folle Journée de Varsovie is supported financially by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland. The festival is organised in association with the National Centre for Culture, Poland.
Partners of the Opera Academy