Born in 1998 in Łódź, Poland, he studied piano at music school there and is now in his final year of an MA programme in vocal studies at the Academy of Music in his hometown. In 2028 he performed in a student production of Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor (Junker Spärlich) at the Łódź Grand Theatre and sang the main role in the Polish premiere of J. P. Rameau's Platée.
He debuted in Handel's Acis and Galatea (Acis) at the Polish Royal Opera. He also sang solo parts in Monteverdi's and Mielczewski's masses, Bach's sacred cantatas, and Handel's Brockes Passion. He represented his alma mater in many chamber concerts and the 7th Inter-university Chamber Music Competition, where he wan one of the special prizes.
Mr Kózka took part in workshops and master classes led by Ulrike Sonntag, Olga Pasichnyk, Ingmar Beck, Lothar Odinius, Ivan van Kalmthout, Adrian Kelly, Marcin Habela, and Dorota Cybulska-Amsler.
As a child he performed in the Jaracza Theatre's productions of Williams's Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Shakespeare's Macbeth.