#stayhome, watch our performances online and consider making a donation
Just like most cultural institutions in Europe, we are currently unable to welcome you into our house. It is a very difficult time for us all: the artists, who cannot live without their public, and for you, our audience. To lift your spirits, we are making a range of our opera and ballet productions available for watching at vod.teatrwielki.pl on demand or via weekly streams free of any charges. Using our social media channels, we offer short story readings, ballet classes, lessons in Italian music terms, and more. We also share videos made by our ensembles.
We are very happy that our projects receive an enthusiastic welcome. Tens of thousands of viewers watched our three online broadcasts of Carmen. Every day vod.teatrwielki.pl and our Facebook page are visited by thousands of people yearning for culture in these challenging (yet, transient!) times. It turns out that you visit the Teatr Wielki after all, if only through the medium of the Internet. Your interest motivates us to look for new ways of talking about our artistic endeavours.
Thanks to you, cultural institutions go on. We continue our work, we simply do it in a different way. The situation, however, affects the existence of each of the institutions and the artists who collaborate with them.
If you like the content we share, please consider making a donation to the Polish National Opera, Teatr Wielki:
Here is our bank account number, should you decide to support us:
>>> A donation to the Polish National Opera, Teatr Wielki
Thank you and enjoy your opera and ballet online!