Sacred Songs of Stanisław Moniuszko
Students, graduates, and teachers of the Academy of Music in Gdańsk performing to the accompaniment of a reconstructed baroque organ.
To be streamed on VOD from Saint John's Church in Gdańsk
Nikolina Gąsior – soprano
Piotr Gryniewicki – tenor
Michał Grabczuk – baritone
Andrzej Szadejko – organ, artistic supervisor
Stanisław Moniuszko
Zgadzanie się z wola boską (Kiedy ci chmury nad głową się zbiorą) for baritone and organ
Modlitwa (Na skrzydłach pieśni) for soprano and organ
Zwiastowanie (Lśni Gabriel promienną ozdobą) for mezzo-soprano and organ
Modlitwa do Boga Rodzicy (Głos mój podnoszę do Boga Rodzicy) for soprano and organ
Modlitwa Pańska (W ciężkiej niedoli) for tenor and organ
Ad te Domine for baritine and organ
Modlitwa (O Mario, bądź pozdrowiona) for soprano and organ
Modlitwa Pańska (Ojcze nasz) for soprano, chorus and organ
Inclina aurem tuam for tenor and organ
Hymn do Pana Jezusa (Z Ojcem przedwiecznym stolicę dzieli) for baritone and organ
Exaudi Deus (O! racz wysłuchać, wiekuisty Boże) for tenor, bass and organ
Embracing over a hundred pieces varying as regards the size and genre, Stanisław Moniuszko's sacred works are completely overshadowed by the other pieces he wrote and rarely performed in concert despite the fact that, in my view, they are where he achieves his fullest artistic expression. Written not for financial gain but because of an inner drive, these pieces explore the most intimate and important spheres of his life. Simple, subtle, fervent, and deeply personal, the songs leave a lasting impression on the listener, especially in a difficult time like ours. Moniuszko composed most of these songs while an organ player at the Church of St Johns in Vilnus, where he used a beautiful baroque organ made by Nicolaus Jantzen in 1766 and renovated by another prominent organ maker hailing from the region, Johann Theodore Tiedemann. The sound of this majestic instrument inspired Moniuszko to write sacred music. Today's concert will feature a similar baroque organ.
Olga Pasichnyk performs songs by Stanisław Moniuszko
Time is measured by
Partnerzy Akademii Operowej
Partnerzy Teatru Wielkiego - Opery Narodowej
Partner strategiczny Roku Moniuszki 2019
Patroni medialni
Partners of the Opera Academy
Partners of Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera
Strategic partner of the Moniuszko Year
Media patrons