Creations 14
14th Choreographic Workshop New works by emerging choreographersPolish National Ballet17-19/06/2022
When I launched the Polish National Ballet’s choreographic workshop twelve years ago, I did not expect it to become so fruitful a project. Today, a few of the dancers who debuted as choreographers as part of Creations are artists in their own right, making us very proud with their achievements.
The choreographic workshop is a platform that provides Polish National Ballet dancers with the opportunity to see their profession not only as performers and dance creators, but through the eyes of people who remain largely invisible to the audience but are crucial for the theatre to go on. And so, the dancers edit programme brochures for Creations, act as stage and project managers, and coordinate the technical side of the shows. This way, that can try their hand at different theatre professions and give themselves a head start in a line of work they may eventually choose after their beautiful, yet relatively short, dancing careers come to an end.
This year, for the second time in a row, we will not be able to invite you to the Teatr Wielki’s small stage auditorium to watch our dancers’ choreographic miniatures as we normally would. The pandemic has been disrupting the work of the Polish National Ballet for a long time now, yet the company continues to work on revivals and new productions, even if we do not get to perform them in front of a live audience. The same is also true for our dancers’ workshop projects, which just as last year, we will present exclusively online.
Leaving aside how difficult it is for the company to work without live interaction with an audience, I consider the project to be developing very well. I also believe that this year’s Creations 13 will be very satisfying for you to watch on
I remain hopeful that next year we will all be able to take our seats in a filled auditorium together.
Krzysztof Pastor
Director of the Polish National Ballet
Partnerzy Akademii Operowej
Partnerzy Teatru Wielkiego - Opery Narodowej
Partner Polskiego Baletu Narodowego
Partner technologiczny
Patroni medialni
Partners of the Opera Academy
Partners of Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera
Partner of the Polish National Ballet
Technological partner
Media patrons