Hanna Trzeciak graduated in management from the Poznań Academy of Economics. In 2007 she was awarded a PhD for a thesis on the influence of the mechanism of financing on theatres' artistic operations. She is an expert and the theory and practice of public finance, in particular theatre finance, and is a certified tax advisor. In 2006–7 she was the Dramatyczny Theatre's chief accountant. In 2008 she was promoted to deputy director for economic matters. She joined the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera in 2009. She wrote two books on financing culture: Działalność kulturalna – opodatkowanie usług transgranicznych oraz międzynarodowego obrotu towarowego – PIT, CIT, VAT (ODDK, Gdańsk 2011) and Ekonomika teatru (Instytut Teatralny, Warszawa 2011).