When to come:
On the night of 13/14 May the Polish National Opera will be open from4 p.m. on 13 May to 1 a.m. on 14 May.
How to enter the opera house:
To visit an exhibition or take part in a backstage tour, please use the left-wing entrance behind the Moniuszko Statue off Teatralny Square. Last exhibition admission: 00:15. To attend an Opera Academy concert, please use the main entrance off Teatralny Square.
Antoni Fałat, an Opera Gallery exhibition
Unsettling, engaging, hyperrealistic, with colours reminiscent of photography – this is in a nutshell how you could characterise the paintings of Antoni Fałat, whose solo show you can now see at the Opera Gallery
Maria Fołtyn in Memoriam, a Theatre Museum exhibition
A commemorative exhibition marking 10 years since the passing of Warsaw Opera's prominent primadonna Maria Fołtyn, centering on Halka, since the singer's debut in the role in 1949 in Gdańsk through her career as stage director and promoter of Stanisław Moniuszko's operas around the world: in Havana, Tokyo, Osaka, Samara, Istanbul, Novosibirsk, Moscow, and other countries of the Communist bloc.
Curator's tour of the exhibition with Maria Staniszewska: 4, 5, 6, 7 p.m. Each tour lasts around 30 minutes
Maximum no. of participants per tour: 20 (first come, first served).
9 p.m. (main entrance)
Stanisław Moniuszko
The Countess
Piosnka Broni
Zuzanna Nalewajek mezzo-soprano
Karol Kurpiński
Szarlatan, czyli wskrzeszanie umarłych
Mayor's Cavatina Ciemny świat nas ogaduje
Grzegorz Pelutis bass-baritone
Mieczysław Karłowicz
Zuzanna Nalewajek
Tadeusz Baird
Drwię, mając Ciebie, z całej ludzkiej pychy (And having thee, of all men's pride I boast), Sonnet 91 by William Shakespeare, from the cycle Four Love Sonnets miłosne
Grzegorz Pelutis
Stanisław Moniuszko
Zuzanna Nalewajek
Karol Szymanowski
O zwiedzionym żołnierzu, song to words by Kornel Makuszyński from the cycle Utwory żołnierskie
Zuzanna Nalewajek
Henryk Jarecki
Jadwiga, królowa polska, Act 2, Scene 3
Duet of Elza and Gniewosz Lisiemi szlaki ślizgam się po świecie
Zuzanna Nalewajek and Grzegorz Pelutis
10 p.m. (main entrance)
Stanisław Moniuszko
Stolnik's arta O, mościwi mi panowie from Act 1
Grzegorz Pelutis bass-baritone
Stanisław Moniuszko
The Haunted Manor
Jadwiga's dumka from Act 2
Zuzanna Nalewajek mezzo-soprano
Henryk Czyż
Nieboszczyk Jim, song from the cycle Trzy pieśni żartobliwe
Grzegorz Pelutis
Leokadia Myszyńska-Wojciechowska
Jak mam wolny czas
Zuzanna Nalewajek
Jerry Bock
Gdybym był bogaczem (If I were a rich man) from Fiddler on the Roof
Grzegorz Pelutis
Henryk Jarecki
Mindowe, król litewski, Act 4, Scene 1
Duet of Mindowe and Rogneda Matko! Próżna ucieczka
Zuzanna Nalewajek and Grzegorz Pelutis
Karol Kurpiński
Szarlatan, czyli wskrzeszanie umarłych
Mayor's cavatina Ciemny świat nas ogaduje
Grzegorz Pelutis bass-baritone
Our tour will take you behind the scenes of the Teatr Wielki to see the main stage, Moniuszko Auditorium and main foyer.
The tours start at 9:30, 10, 10:30, 11, 11:30 p.m.and midnight
You need to book a spot on a given tour in advance. Please send us an e-mail to nocmuzeow2023@teatrwielki.plby 10 p.m. on 12 May, stating your full name and the timeyou have chosen.
How we process your data
Maximum no. of participants per tour: 10 (first come, first served)
Full programme of the Long Night of Museums 2023 around Warsaw