If you are on the lookout for an original present or two, browse around the great selection of books, playbills, merchandise, and special gift packages available at our Boutique. As a special December treat, those who buy tickets at the Box Office will receive a 10% discount on purchases at the Boutique, while those who by a gift package at the Boutique will pay 10% less for tickets at the Box Office. Happy Holidays!
Terms and conditions apply. Please note:
If you buy a Gift Package at the Boutique (B&M or online) you will receive a 10% off discount code for purchases at the Box Office (not through our online ticket sales service).
If you buy a ticket or tickets directly at the Box Office (not through our online ticket sales service) worth 100 zlotys (incl. VAT) or more you will receive a 10% off discount code for purchases at the Boutique (B&M or online).
The number of codes is limited and they will be given on a first come, first served basis, from 1 to 23 December 2018, and remain valid until 31 March 2019.
The 10% discount applies to all purchases made at the Boutique, except for the Gift Packages, as well as tickets to all performances, except for opening nights and special events (New Year's Eve Gala, external events, education events, workshops, concerts held at the Redutowe Rooms, Opera Academy events, Opera Gallery exhibitions, and Theatre Museum events).The discount does not apply to tickets bought through our online ticket sales service.