What is a conductor for?
Lecture and workshop
The lecture will shed light on the many aspects of conducting and will conclude with a workshop for the participants.
'What is a conductor for?', 'After all, everybody in the orchestra has their own sheet music', 'They are not even looking at the conductor', 'A woman conductor?' – these are among the most frequently asked questions regarding the role of an orchestra conductor. In its first part, the lecture will address them all, covering the responsibilities that come with the job and qualifications that a conductor must have, with particular emphasis on those that are not in plain sight during a concert or show. As part of a practical exercise, the participants will try clapping or singing as directed by the conductor, which is akin to what orchestra musicians or choristers do when preparing and performing a work of music.
In the second part, we will be joined by two pianists who will play piano reductions on two pianos to imitate a symphony orchestra (which is what happens during conducting studies or rehearsals at opera houses), giving the participants a chance to conduct a piece of music. Apart from the conducting technique, their workshop will also introduce the attendees to dynamics, tempo, articulation, communication with the orchestra, and interpretation.
The meeting with conclude with a Q&A session. Duration: 90 minutes.For senior audiences.
Conceived and led by MARTA KLUCZYŃSKA
Partnerzy Akademii Operowej
Partnerzy Teatru Wielkiego - Opery Narodowej
Patroni medialni
Partners of the Opera Academy
Partners of Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera
Media patrons